Purple Appendix (From Transcend, A Parent’s Guide)

State and Territory education department support for trans, gender diverse and non-binary students

Knowing about policy and legislation which supports your child will be very helpful for when you approach your school. It is a good idea to print out the relevant documents, read and highlight the sections that you think are most applicable. Take these with you to the school so that you can use them if the school is not responding as they should be. 

There are also links here to the human rights and/or equal opportunity commissions in your state or territory, they will be a helpful source of advice and information and may also be able to provide you with advocacy assistance.


The Student Wellbeing Hub

Funded by the Federal government, it is a resource hub for parents, teachers and students to build safe, inclusive and connected school communities that

promote wellbeing and learning.

A guide for schools about supporting a student to affirm their gender at school: studentwellbeinghub.edu.au/educators/resources/supporting-a-student-to-affirm-or-transitiongender-identity-at-school

The Australian Student Wellbeing Framework, is based on evidence that demonstrates the strong association between safety, wellbeing and learning.

The language in this booklet will be helpful if you are needing to advocate to the school about inclusion, using a wellbeing framework.


All of Us is a Health and Physical Education resource for years 7 and 8 on the topic of gender and sexual diversity. Includes some great short videos of people talking about their experiences of being LGBTI.


Justice Connect

Has a LGBTIQ resource hub with a series of fact sheets, including some with advice about your legal rights at school in each state and territory. Copy

this link and scroll to the LGBTIQ section.



Safe and Inclusive School Initiative

Funded by the ACT Education Directorate, it provides a range of supports to schools to develop their practice in areas such as supporting individual student needs, welcoming and celebrating community and family diversity. 

The Initiative supports schools to build respectful school cultures where prejudice, discrimination, harassment and violence on the basis of gender presentation/ identity, intersex status or sexual orientation is unacceptable.


The Initiative provides schools with:

• Professional Learning Programs and other targeted training and information sessions

• Guidance for the identification and use of relevant high-quality teaching and learning resources and materials

• Provision of expert advice and support for schools

• Supporting leadership opportunities for students, staff and parents/carers

ACT Education Directorate

Has created the Safe and Supportive Schools Policy that provides guidance for Canberra public schools on promoting a safe, respectful and supportive

school community. They are currently in the process of developing additional resources to provide good advice to schools to support young people who wish to affirm their gender at school.



Education Department

Advice to schools on supporting trans students: education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/rights-andaccountability/legal-issues-bulletins/bulletin-55-transgender-students-in-schools

Regional department of education contacts should you need extra support in your school:


NSW Government Resources

Bias-based bullying fact sheet:


Information for parents if child is being bullied:



No information about school support in the NT was able to be found at the time of writing. Below are links to services who may be able to help:


Darwin based support group for adolescents.

Phone: (08) 8931 5999

Email: headspacedarwin@anglicare-nt.org.au

NT AIDS and Hepatitis Council (NTAHC)


NT Health

Fact sheet for TGD young people


Child & Adolescent Transgender Health Service Pathway diagram



Qld Human Rights Commission

A guide for trans and gender diverse students. It was developed in partnership between the LGBTI Legal Service, Legal Aid Queensland and

the Queensland Human Rights Commission, in consultation with the Queensland Children’s Gender Service, young people, parents and




Qld Government Resources

General information about health and wellbeing in Queensland schools:



Department for Education

Has a policy on supporting trans students in SouthAustralian schools. The document also refers to the Gender diverse and intersex child and young people support procedure – which can only be accessed via Intranet. You would need a SA Education Department person or teacher to be able to access it. But good to know it is there.



Department of Education

Guidline to support sexual and gender diversity in schools:



Department of Education & Training - Safe Schools

School staff, parents and students can contact Safe Schools for:

• assistance in creating a safe and inclusive school environment

• advice on how to support LGBTI students

• advice on how to support you or your child, including where to go for other support services


To access policy guidance to support gender affirmation for students in Victorian schools copy this link:



WA Equal Opportunity Commission

Provides a useful guide for schools regarding the legal rights and responsibilities around transgender students in schools called Guidelines for Supporting Sexual and Gender Diversity in Schools


This is a report about discrimination in schools in WA. This may be useful to the data in this report to advocate for your child, especially if the school says

that there is no bullying or discrimination.


This is a fact sheet produced by the Equal Opportunity Commission for parents to support them to respond to bullying



These are a great source of information and advice, and some may even be able to offer training to the school.

Australian Human Rights Commission


ACT Human Rights Commission


NSW Anti-discrimination Commission


NT Anti-discrimination Commission


Qld Human Rights Commission


SA Equal Opportunity Commission


TAS Equal Opportunity


Vic Human Rights & EO Commission


WA Equal Opportunity Commission


For Schools - Diversity and inclusion training and advice:

This is by no means a definitive or extensive list. Some of these organisations may just be able to point you in the right direction to someone who can provide training. Every region is different, and if you are in a regional or rural area, it can be more difficult to find an appropriate trainer. Don’t forget the list of Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commissions in Appendix 1 who might also be able to help.

If you are unable to find someone there are many great youtube videos that might help.

Also the education resource All of Us, although designed for year 7 and 8s, is actually a great resource for teachers to also learn about LGBTI diversity. This was written by the Safe Schools Coalition Australia and you can find this at the Student Wellbeing Hub.

Go to the All Of Us unit guide

You can also contact Transcend Australia as they may have more recent updates on training available in different areas, or be able to put you into contact with someone who knows.

Go to the Transcend contact page


A Gender Agenda

Will be able to provide localised advice and connections.

Go to About A Gender Agenda


Gender Centre

Go to the Gender Centre's family support services


NT AIDS and Hepatitis Council (NTAHC)

Contact NTAHC


Australian Transgender Support Association Queensland

Advice on locally available training.



Provides some training and education relating to schools and young people.

Go to the True website


Shine SA

Provides a range of services to support schools to implement a whole school approach to relationships and sexual health education. Shine SA has a Memorandum of Operational Collaboration with the Department for Education South Australia to support schools in this area.

Go to the Shine SA website


Working It Out

Includes resources, counselling, education programs, and information sessions for students.

Go to the Working It Out website.



Victorian based peer led social support and advocacy group for trans and gender diverse young people. Their website has lots of resources including short videos about being trans/gender diverse.

Go to the Ygender website

Minus 18

Can provide training and have a range of resources and digital campaigns that enable others to champion inclusivity, no matter the location.

Go to the minus18 website

Reach Out

Not school or student specific, Reach Out provides articles and information.

Go to the Reach Out website


QLife provides anonymous, LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity,

gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. The website also has lots of resources called Qguides, it is not education or schools specific but still useful.

National phone counselling service (between3pm-12am). Phone: 1800 184 527.

Go to the QLife website

National LGBTI Health Alliance

The Alliance is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individualsthat provide health-related programs, services

and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and


Go to the LGBTI Health Website

Zoe Belle Gender Collective (ZBGC)

ZBGC’s website includes a national referral directory, online forum, and fact sheets on topics from housing to healthcare. They can also provide training and consultation on inclusive service delivery (Victoria only).

Go to the ZBGC website