What is copyright?

Copyright is simply "the right to make copies." If you're the creator of an original work - good news! Copyright is automatically yours (unless you're getting paid to do a job.) HGA doesn't want your copyright - it's your work, not ours


Our digital exhibit is like a physical one in a lot of ways. We're going to display *your* work on our site, but you still own it. It's like hanging a painting in an art gallery - the painting (work) still belongs to the artist.

What is licensing?

Licensing is the conditions under which someone's allowed to reproduce your work. It's like a driver's licence - if you have a licence, you can drive a car. This means you keep your copyright, and we just display.

Publication info

We're serious about respecting your work.

  • you can be credited, if you'd like to

  • you can also be anonymous

  • we won't publish your work anywhere without your consent

  • we won't keep it up longer than 2 years without asking you

  • there's no exclusivity period - you can publish your piece elsewhere while it's in the exhibit.

Email us at marketing@huntergenderalliance.org for more info if you're stuck.